Cabs – Quartz

*2334. QUARTZ with LODALITE inclusions. 17.1 x 11.6 mm. $18. *2596. DENDRITIC PYRITE IN QUARTZ oval.  39.7 x 24 mm. $42.


2653. QUARTZ with Lodalite Inclusions. 93.44 cts. 35.7 x 25 mm x 15.4 mm thick. Flat back. $60. 2500. ASTROPHYLLITE in QUARTZ.  Marquise shape. Dark brown needles scattered throughout.  34.1 x 14.1 mm. $21.

3268. HEMATITE in QUARTZ. Oval shape. 18.4 x 12.7  mm. $24.

*3444. QUARTZ with Dumortierite Inclusions of blue. 12 x 9.6 mm oval. $36. *2485. ASTROPHYLLITE in QUARTZ. 13.5 x 12.5 mm. $12.

  • 3299. ASTROPHYLLITE in QUARTZ. 27.7 x 13.4 mm. $18. 2508. HEMATITE in QUARTZ.  One Hematite inclusion  and a few other ones too. 20 x 18.5 mm. $18. 3278. HEMATITE in QUARTZ. Nice pattern. 35.2 x 27.8 mm. $33.

4154. ASTROPHYLITE in QUARTZ. Top row: A. 32.6 x 32 mm. 68.75 cts. Near Rd. $39. B. 27.7 x 27.7 mm Rect. 48.20 cts. $32. C. SOLD> 24 mm. Rd. 37.88 cts. $25. Bottom row: +D. 28.7 x 19.8 mm p/s 30 cts. $23. E. SOLD> 24.7 x 24.1 mm near round. 37.40 cts. $25.


4153. ASTROPHYLITE in QUARTZ. Top row: A. 23.4 x 21.7 mm oval/round. 31.55 cts. $25 B. 22 mm Rd. 22.10 cts. $23. C. 26.1 x 13.4 mm ov. 20.45 cts. $18. Bottom Row: D. 26.3 x 16.2 mm ov. 17.25 cts. $18. E. 26.3 x 12.3 mm ov. 18.60 cts. $20. F. 22.58 x 15.3 mm FF. 14.45 cts. $22.


4152. ASTROPHYLITE in QUARTZ. Top row: A. 21.5 x 14.1 mm p/s. 18 cts. $12. B. 13 x 10.5 mm FF. 5.66 cts. $8. Bottom row: C. SOLD 27.5 x 9.6 mm p/s. 9.45 cts. $13. D. SOLD 36.7 x 15.4 mm p/s. 26.70 cts. $20.

3258. HEMATITE in QUARTZ. Very coool inclusions. 51 x 30.9 mm. $36. 2984. HEMATITE in QUARTZ Rectangle. Reddish golden line running across. 19.8 x 18.2 mm.  $30. *2870. QUARTZ with INCLUSIONS. Cute little stone. 20 x  11.7 mm. $8.

*2830. ASTROPHALITE in QUARTZ. 19.7 x 12.9 mm. $9. *2831. QUARTZ with LODALITE INCLUSIONS. 18.1 x 13.1 mm. $23.  2342. RUTILATED QUARTZ. 10 mm Rd with lovely golden needles running through the quartz. $12 ea. 11 avail.  More available like the ones in the picture.



4095. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Top row: A. $12. B. $12. C. Chipped left top corner. Can hide with a bezel. CLOSEOUT at $5. Middle row: D. $12. E. $12. Bottom row: +F. BEAUTIFUL STONE p/s $12. G. $12.

2060. RUTILATED QUARTZ.  Slivers of gold scattered throughout this stone. 26.3 x 19.7 mm p/s. $33. *2062. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Lozenge type stone. Thin and rounded slightly on both sides. 22.9 x 13.7 mm. $18. 2471. RUTILATED QUARTZ oval. Criss cross golden needles scattered throughout.  24.9 x 15.1 mm. $18. 


4096. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Top row: A. 22.1 x 12.27 mm p/s. 15.70 cts. $11. B. 20.9 x 14.9 mm FF. $20. C. 20.9 x 12.9 cts. $20. Middle row: SOLD. D. 21.1 x 13.6 mm FF. (SII) E. 19.6 x 14.6 mm ov. $13. Bottom row: F. 19.5 x 12.4 mm ov. $16. G. 23.9 11.9 mm p/s. Bottom edges are slightly rounded. $12. H. 17.3 x 13.4 mm. Slightly rounded edges. $13.


4097. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Top row: *A. $15. B. $18. C. $20. Middle row: D. $20. E. $15. Bottom row: F. $18. G. $18. H. $18.


4099. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Top row: A. SOLD 23 x 16.6 mm Rect. $16. B. 27 x 14 mm FF. $18. C. 24.8 x 17.5 mm Rect. $20. Middle row: D. SOLD> 21.7 x 17.5 mm $13. E. SOLD 19.2 x 17.3 mm Rect. $15. Bottom row: F. 25.9 x 13.7 mm $17. G. 29.3 x 15.4 mm FF. $20. H. 26.8 x 17.1 mm FF. $24.


4102. RUTILATED QUARTZ. A. 33.4 x 20.9 mm Oval. $30. B. 27 x 17.8 mm Oval. Smoky shade. $30. C. SOLD 28.2 x 27.5 mm. near round. $33. D. SOLD 47.1 x 20.4 mm oval. Strong heavier golden needles with a scattering of small needles all though the cab. Beautiful. $40.


4100. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Top row: A. 28.4 x 15.9 mm $22. B. 25.4 x 17.4 mm. Smoky look. $22. C. 19 x 20.2 mm. A bit rounded on each side. Would make a great piece you could flip over. Smoky with lots of Rutile needles scattered through it. $22. Bottom row: D. 21.5 x 16.8 mm Rect. $22. E. SOLD 21.4 x 16.1 mm Rect. $22. F. SOLD. 29.1 x 18.4 mm p/s. $22.

2493. RUTILATED QUARTZ pear shape.  30.2 x 15 mm. $27. *2986. RUTILATED QUARTZ. pear shape. 24.4 x 15.9 mm. Nice Scattering of golden needles  in clear and part cloudy quartz. $23. 3484. 21.1 x 11 mm. $30.

1253. RUTILATED QUARTZ. Lots of golden needles scattered through the quartz stones. They range from 4.32 cts to 8.13 cts. Left to right. Top row first.  6 avail at $18 ea.


2730. TOURMALINE in QUARTZ.  12.5 x 12.2 to 21.8 x 8.1 mm . 3 avail at $12 ea. 3 are sold. Top left, top center avail. Bottom right SOLD. 

*3309 A. Top left: TOURMALINE in QUARTZ. 20.4 x 12 mm $21. 


2403. SMOKY QUARTZ. Assorted sizes and shapes. 4 available at $15 ea.


2731. BLACK TOURMALINE in QUARTZ. Black crystals running through the stones.11 stones offered at $12 each. Triangle stone SOLD.


3195. ALL SOLD EXCEPT 2nd stone in top row. SMOKY QUARTZ. Mixed shapes and sizes. Great clarity, polish and lots of flash.14 mm to 19.9 x 14.5 mm.  

*3417. SOLAR QUARTZ. Flat on both sides. Left: A. 28.3 x 25 mm. $18. B. 16.4 x 16 mm



4119. SOLAR QUARTZ. 44.6 x 30.4 mm FF. The under side of the right end is tapered down. It will not affect setting it. $35.


4118. SOLAR QUARTZ. A. 31.5 x 21.3 mm. $22. B. 29.8 x 23.4 mm FF. $20. C. 28.1 x 22.8 mm FF. $18.

2416. SOLAR QUARTZ. Slightly curved top. 46.3 x 35.5 mm. $342272. SOLAR QUARTZ freeform. Flat both sides. 40 x 32.2 mm. $30. *2832. SOLAR QUARTZ. Flat both sides. Whiter than the picture. Sorry. 30 x 26.4 mm. $39.

3414. Solar Quartz. Two on top have been SOLD. Bottom left $28 and bottom right $33 are still available.
